the refrigeration cycle

Explanation of the refrigeration cycle: AB: A useful-overheating (rise in temperature which adds to the load of the compressor). As much as possible to avoid direct contact between the pipe and the ambient air through the suction pipe menginsulasi.BC: the compression process (gas under pressure and low pressure coolant temperature is increased so that the temperature more high coolant in the condenser in the process of compression is refrigerants have very high overheating .. CD: The process of de-overheating (coolant temperature has pemurunan, but did not alter the form, refrigerant is in gaseous form) DE: The condensation process (there is a change form refrigerant gas in a liquid without changing its température.EF: The method of sub-cooling in the condenser (refrigerant which is in liquid form is still throwing heat to the ambient air so that the temperature decreases). Very useful to ensure a perfect refrigerant state liquide.FG: The process of subcooling in the liquid line (fluid temperature liquid refrigerant is reduced as the temperature is always above the temperature of the ambient air). Guideline liquid is not isolated, so that heat transfer occurs in the air, are intended to increase refrigeration capacity. (Note: in some cases .. liquid pipes must be insulated ... later described in a separate discussion) GH: The process of expansion / pressure drop (in the form of a pressure liquid coolant is lowered so that the saturation temperature is lower than the ambient temperature is cooled, in order for the liquid refrigerant in the evaporator volatiles by absorbing heat from the air that is passed to the evaporator ) Changes in the form of liquid refrigerant into gas bubbles approximately 23% due to this pressure drop. So that leaves the refrigerant expansion valve / evaporator inlet as a liquid mixture is about 77% and 23% of bubbles gaz.HI: The evaporation process (low temperature refrigerant absorbs heat from the air that is passed to the evaporator There is a change in the form of liquid refrigerant in a gas There was also a decrease in the air outlet temperature of evaporator because of the heat absorbed by the refrigerant in the air.). IA: The evaporator superheat: gas refrigerant at low temperature is absorbing heat from the air, because the temperature is still below the air temperature. increase the coolant temperature). Overheating is useful to ensure the refrigerant in the form of a perfect gas before entering in the compressor
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